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A commission fee of 10% is charged at the sale.
RefCheck covers the shipping for pieces listed by verified sellers that sell for $750 and above. Sellers who's item sell for under $750, we split the shipping cost of the label which we will email you.
For consignment, the seller is responsible for paying the shipping price to RefCheck.
You can drop off items under $1500 at your local UPS store, and for all shipments over $1500, the item must be dropped off at a UPS Customer Care Center. You may also schedule a pickup from UPS for your shipment for an additional cost.
Used glass pieces that arrive at us dirty failing to meet the standards for the marketplace, the seller will be charged a $20 extra cleaning fee. Glass pieces that arrive to us with major discrepancies in the condition that fail to pass our verification process will also be charged a $25 fee + shipping for failing to send the piece in the claimed condition from the listing.
Select verified retailers can get access to discounted fees by applying for an account on the how it works page of our website.
RefCheck works with sellers who sell on consignment and stock their inventory with us. Items sold on consignment are available for "Instant" shipping, which means the piece is sent right to the buyer.
We also work with retailers who are trusted RefCheck partners and ship directly to the buyer under our Instant Shipping program.
Products not available for Instant shipping take 4-8 business days to reach the buyer. These items are held by RefCheck Verified Sellers and are sent to RefCheck for verification before being sent to the buyer.
Products available for Instant shipping will be delivered in 2-5 business days as the products are pre-verified and sent directly from our facility with priority processing.
RefCheck Verified Sellers inventories all other items not available for Instant shipping, and when the sale is made, the item is shipped to RefCheck for verification before reaching the buyer's final destination. This process may take 3 to 8 business days.
Sellers must ship their piece within 4 business days from when the sale is made. If the piece is not sent within 4 business days of the sale, the buyer is automatically refunded.
As a verified seller, it's your responsibility to accurately and honestly identify all flaws on your piece before verification.
Pieces that reach a final verification of at least 0.75 points lower than the virtual verification claimed by the seller or are listed as mint condition and come in with a flaw observe the following protocol by the buyer. The buyer has the choice to cancel and request a refund, continue to accept the order, or you can negotiate a lower price for the purchase with the seller for a 48-hour timed window, and they must respond within 48 hours to initiate the process. If the buyer does not respond within the 48 hours, the sale will continue, and the piece will be shipped to the buyer. If a price is settled within the time period, the deal continues. If a price isn't agreed upon, the buyer is refunded, the seller pays for shipping back to their location + $25 fee, and the seller receives a strike on our platform.
Consignment withdrawal requests are fulfilled within 14 days. Inventory must be listed with us for at least 14 days before a request can be submitted. A custom shipping charge will be applied for requesting items back based on dimensions, weight and origin/destination.
In the event, your item sells before we are able to process the withdrawal, you will receive your agreed upon pay-out value once the sale is confirmed and a refund of your shipping charge. Please email us at [email protected] to submit the request.